The Comprehensive Study of Chinese Tea Culture
This course is designed and taught by Yao Yao, and serves as the foundation for the Yao Cha Tea Art Specialist Certification Program. To genuinely grasp the essence of Chinese tea ceremony and become a great tea specialist. A deeper understanding of Chinese culture as it relates to tea is important.
Every sip of tea we take should be acknowledged, loved, and cherished.
Yao Yao is ready to pass on the valuable knowledge she has gained over the years with everyone. Let us together explore the relationship between Chinese culture and tea!
What's inside the course?
✔️This course includes 76 lectures with audio, written content, and supplemental videos.
✔️Offers 86 downloadable pdf files.
✔️Each unit has a quiz with 10 questions.
✔️And learners can obtain a printable certification upon completion by request.
Course Curriculum
- Learning Goals and Objectives [学习目标和知识要点]
- What is Culture [文化的含义]
- Audio Lecture Ⅰ [音频课程一]
- Audio Lecture Ⅱ [音频课程二]
- Audio Lecture Ⅲ [音频课程三]
- Audio Lecture Ⅳ [音频课程四]
- Audio Lecture Ⅴ [音频课程五]
- What is Tea Culture [茶文化的含义]
- Audio Lecture VI [音频课程六]
- Audio Lecture VII [音频课程七]
- Video Source [视频资料]
- Audio Lecture VIII [音频课程八]
- The Internal Structure of Tea Culture [茶文化的内部结构]
- Audio Lecture IX [音频课程九]
- Audio Lecture X [音频课程十]
- Reading [阅读]
- Audio Lecture XI [音频课程十一]
- Reading [阅读]
- Video Source [视频资料]
- Audio Lecture XII [音频课程十二]
- Message from Yao Yao [来自姚曜的信]
- Quiz
- Learning Goals and Objectives [学习目标和知识要点]
- What is Cha Dao [茶道的定义]
- Audio Lecture Ⅰ [音频课程一]
- Audio Lecture Ⅱ [音频课程二] (0:17)
- Reading [阅读]
- The Difference between Japanese and Chinese Cha Dao [中日茶道的异同]
- Audio Lecture Ⅲ [音频课程三]
- The Influence of Chinese Philosophy on Cha Dao [中国哲学对茶道的影响]
- Audio Lecture Ⅳ [音频课程四]
- Video Source [视频资料]
- Reading [阅读]
- Audio Lecture Ⅴ [音频课程五]
- The Diffrence between Dao Jia and Dao Jiao [道家和道教的异同]
- Reading [阅读]
- Audio Lecture VI [音频课程六]
- The Diffirence between Chan Cha and Cha Chan [茶禅和禅茶的异同]
- Reading [阅读]
- Video Source[视频资料]
- Message from Yao Yao [来自姚曜的信]
- Quiz
- Learning Goals and Objectives [学习目标和知识要点]
- The Background of Tea Culture before the Wei and Jin Dynasties[茶文化在魏晋前的背景]
- Audio Lecture Ⅰ [音频课程一]
- Audio Lecture Ⅱ [音频课程二]
- Audio Lecture Ⅲ [音频课程三]
- The Emergence of Tea Culture in the Wei and Jin Dynasties [魏晋时期茶文化萌芽阶段]
- Audio Lecture Ⅳ [音频课程四]
- Audio Lecture Ⅴ [音频课程五]
- Video Source [视频资料] (0:10)
- Audio Lecture VI [音频课程六]
- The Development of Tea Culture in Tang Dynasty [唐代茶文化发展阶段]
- Audio Lecture VII [音频课程七]
- Audio Lecture VIII [音频课程八]
- Audio Lecture IX [音频课程九]
- Reading and Video Source [阅读和视频资料]
- The Prosperity of Tea Culture in Song Dynasty [宋代茶文化的繁荣阶段]
- Audio Lecture X [音频课程十]
- Reading [阅读]
- Audio Lecture XI [音频课程十一]
- Reading [阅读]
- Audio Lecture XII [音频课程十二]
- Video Source[视频资料]
- Reading [阅读]
- The Times Innovation of Tea Culture in Ming Dynasty [明代茶文化的“革新”阶段]
- Audio Lecture XⅢ [音频课程十三]
- Audio Lecture XⅣ [音频课程十四]
- Video Source: Purple Clay Pot [紫砂壶视频欣赏]
- The Difficult Time of Tea Culture in Qing Dynasty [清代茶文化的曲折阶段]
- Audio Lecture XⅤ [音频课程十五]
- Reading [阅读]
- Massage from Yao Yao [来自姚曜的感谢信] (0:26)
- Quiz