Message from Yao Cha [来自姚茶的信]
Dear Global Leaners,
We are very excited to offer this online course, The Comprehensive Study of Chinese Tea Culture, designed and taught by Yao Yao of Yao Cha. This course is available in both English and Chinese, catering to all learners globally.
This course requires no prior prerequisites, making it easy for anyone to learn and appreciate the beauty of Chinese tea culture. As you begin your journey learning with us, we would like to provide a few tips to help you get started.
Our self-paced course allows you the freedom to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. All three units will be available to you from the start, with Unit 1: Understanding Chinese Tea Culture as the recommended starting point.
We suggest reviewing the PDF first, then listening to the audio while reading the material to ensure a thorough understanding of the content.
Please take note of any questions you may have, as Yao Yao will provide helpful guidance to ensure your success throughout the course. To reach us, please email [email protected].
Upon completion of the course, you will have the opportunity to acquire a certificate. Please email Yao Yao for the final exam, return your answer sheet in PDF format, and receive a printable certification upon passing the exam with a score of 70% or above.
Thank you for entrusting us with your education in Chinese tea culture. We hope that this unique and fruitful learning opportunity brings you pleasure and satisfaction.
Yours in tea,
Yao Cha
请注意记录任何可能出现的问题,姚茶将提供有益的指导,以确保您在整个课程中取得成功。如有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至[email protected].